Oliver for Mayor? Sara Lance Resurrection?

Arrow’s “The Candidate” introduced a new enemy other than H.I.V.E. to the series. We can expect to see the anarchy enthusiast again soon, but for now we have another problem ahead which is Oliver’s decision in the end to run for mayor.

The episode overall was interesting but was rather on the “filler” side. The introduction of the Queen’s old friend seemed unnecessary–it could have been any random character, Oliver would have still tried to save them, right? “The Candidate” also shed some light on how Felicity will be running Palmer Tech.

The series has not yet revealed how Ray Palmer will come to play in the DC’s Legends of Tomorrow spin off series, but he has to have survived the explosion. It was not a coincidence that Ray asked Felicity to sign the paper work which granted her CEO as Palmer Tech. Ray is probably still alive–how I don’t know.

Thea, or Speedy, deals with her transformation and side effects due to her rival in the pit. It was obvious that she would turn violent and aggressive from the season 4 trailer, but so far she is still herself but struggles with control. Malcolm might try to take advantage of her new found crave for death, but it could also be a chance for him to redeem himself.

Finally, the episode ended with two dramatic declarations–one Oliver for Major and two Sara Lane resurrection. Oliver’s decision to run for major came as no surprise due to the fact that the episode was teasing it and implying it every chance they got. However, can Oliver in deed be the mayor the city needs and still be the Green Arrow? John Constantine is said to have a part in Sara Lance’s resurrection, he will appear in the fifth episode titled “Haunted”. However, how will he come into the fold? It was also stated that Nyssa will have objections to Sara’s revival y the pit.

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